Ships → Lake Guardian

  • General Info
  • Schedule Info
  • Operational Info
  • Lab Equipment
  • Navigational Info
  • Lift Capacity
  • Fish and Plankton Gear
  • Meteorological Equipment
  • Certification Details
  • Institution & Contact Info
Name: Lake Guardian
Captain: Mallard, John
Length: 180 feet
Beam: 40 feet
Draft: 12 feet
Speed: 13 knots
Displacement: 959 tons
Hull: steel / twin-screw Oceanographic
Year: 1981


Certified Ocean Service by USCG- Ice class converted from an offshore supply vessel with North Sea type exhaust stacks and ABS class of Maltese cross A-1. Call Sign: WAO 9082. April and August the vessel works on all 5 Great Lakes on Spring and Summer Surveys respectively. The rest of the year it could be anywhere in the system, depending on the project.

For more information go to: LAKE GUARDIAN Homepage

1st Period 2nd Period
Crew Size ( inc. Captain ): 14
Number of Scientists Vessel can Accommodate: 27
Field Season: March to October
Operation Days / Year: 180 (approx.)
Schedule Finalized in: February

- No, does not contain option.   - Yes, contains option.
Science Officer in Crew?:
Crew Provides Onboard Science Support?:
Payment In Kind? Time on Another Ship?
Fuel as a type of "Payment in Kind"?
Needed Equipment as a type of "Payment In Kind"?
"Piggyback" Research Permitted When Possible?
Encourage Crosstraining other Agencies with Vessel and Crew?
Vessel made available to outside Researchers?

Outside Research Payment: Yes, dependent on work required
Electrical Power: 110/220/800- 6000 W UPS
Water Supplies: Superstill, Barnstead water purification systems
Refrigerators / Freezers: Yes
Incubators / Water Baths: 2 incubators
Vacuum Pumps: Y (lab)
P.H. Meters: Accument Benchtop
D.O. Meters: Seabird and/ or titration
Conductivity: Y.S.I. Model 35
Lab Space: 1340 (6 labs)
Radar: 2 Furuno MU-19 X and S band
GPS: 2 Furuno GP-150
Radio: 2 Standard Horizon Quantum
Depth Sounders: Furuno FCV-115
Winches / Cranes: Sea-Mac (1400lb), Sea-Mac (1000lb), Tulsa (30,000lb),
CTD`s BT`s: Rosette 12- bottle; SEACAT SBE 16CTD; SBE 19CTD;
Niskin Bottles: 2.8, 8 and 30-liter
Corers: 12
Grabs: Ponar
Trawl Nets: no
Plankton Nets: 153u; 64u; 10u
Wind Speed / Direction: Young 05106 Wind Monitor ?MA (NMEA-0183 output), Electric Speed Indicator, Model F420C ?WS4ROWA (analog)
Thermometer: Young 41342VC/VF Platinum Temperature Probe (NMEA-0183 output), RMS Tech, Inc. NA83RAC00095
Barometer: Chelsea aneroid, Belfort Instrument Co. recording barograph, Young 61201 Barometric Pressure Sensor (NMEA-0183 output)
Institution Required Certification:
Certification Captain: 1600 GT with Great Lakes Pilotage
Certification Crew: 1600 GT Mate with Great Lakes Pilotage
Certification Engineer: Chief/Limited
Home Port: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Home Port Lake: Lake Michigan
Institution: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Contact Name: Eda Lam
Address: 77 W. Jackson Blvd.
City: Chicago
State / Province: IL
Country: United States
Postal / Zip Code: 60604
Phone: (312) 545-7339
Fax: (312) 353 - 2018
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